Saturday 23 June 2012

U.S. Envoy: Sudan's economic problems linked to condemn the «criminal» of Bashir .. Pessimistic about relations between north and south.

06-23-2012 02:33 AM

Washington: Mohammad Ali Salih

While said Princeton Lyman, President Barack Obama's envoy to Sudan, it is pessimistic about the current relations between Sudan and South Sudan, the link between economic problem in Sudan and condemned the International Criminal Court for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.

Lehman said that there was «crisis of lack of trust» between the north and south, and that this hinders solving the problems of economic and political sides in each country. Pessimistic and said: «This is not the problem of understanding, not a particular problem difficult to solve but dramatic movements of courage, nor the problem of mutually hostile words. This is a problem bigger than that. Each side has reasons to distrust the other. And each side thinks the other to destabilize, if not eliminate it. And each side believes that the other is evil in nature, or incompetent in nature, and does not deserve this confidence does not deserve cooperation ».

Lehman and compare between this lack of trust and mistrust between the United States and Russia during the Cold War years. He said that the two were not Tthagan each other, but, at least, Thachta war, even years passed and the situation changed. For this, he called on Sudan and South Sudan to work, at least, to avoid war between them.

And economic problem in the north, said Lehman, who was speaking at the annual conference of the Association of Sudanese Studies - American, which was held at the University of Arizona: «Sudan has faced harsh international sanctions for nearly twenty years. But he did not change the basic policy toward internal problems. And refused to follow certain steps are clear to return to the global economy, despite the economic problems faced by large ».

Lehman and link between these problems, and the decision of the International Criminal Court, which condemned, four years ago, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. Lehman said that the decision «of course, hinders the possibility of full cooperation with Western countries. And thus, reduces the temptations that can be provided by Western countries to Sudan ».

He said that the economic situation in South Sudan is also measured, but South Sudan «put considerations of the views of the international community, and depends strongly on foreign aid». Therefore, the «quick and ended the occupation of the area Ahjleih, and pull the rest of his troops from the Abyei area».

Lehman said that the cause of economic problems in the two countries is the lack of access to oil revenues and transfer. And pessimism about the solution to the problem of a nearby oil and thus provide «substantial assistance» from south to north. He said that the governing Popular Movement of Southern Sudan «can be accepted, not just economic suicide, but also political suicide. Continue to think like a movement Liberation Army, could return to the forest and fight, regardless of the fate of the rest of the citizens. The Army is not responsible for the government itself and its citizens ».

Although Lehman called for international pressure «effective» the two countries, he said that the real solution must come from the northern and southern peoples.

He praised Lehman collect Sudanese Studies Association Conference - American experts from the north and south during the annual deliberations. Dr. Abdullah Gulab, President of the Union, and a professor at Arizona State University, said he deliberately invited academics northerners and southerners because of his belief that the historical relations between the two sides had not been interrupted, and can not be interrupted, because of the current problems. He said: «Sudan, which enters the twenty-century atheist much different from the Sudan, which we knew. And the Association of Sudanese Studies - American, in her first conference after the partition of the country to Sudanan, welcomes this opportunity to take advantage of rich mutual knowledge ».

The Lehman spoke, too, the Carnegie Endowment for Peace in Washington, said that the Sudan and South Sudan «engaged in a mutual suicide economically. Each side waiting for the collapse of the other, because of intractable differences between them ». He added: «What is happening in Sudan and South Sudan is that the oil weapon used by each party against the other».

Middle East

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