Thursday 27 September 2012


River uproot the causes of life .. flood Dinder singles «77» and destroys the village more than «5000» HOME 09-27-2012 10:47 AM Dinder: Joseph Arky: Not the people of Dandar state Sennar know that Nehrhm great Dinder goodness, and their friend Wafa for centuries, could become someday enemy warn him against a thousand times, this is what happened in August last until September, where river burst Dinder rate unprecedented has exceeded years: «1946, 1988, 2003,», and reached the level of the river 16.60 linear meters, and revenue water «145» million cubic meters of water per day, while he was no more than «75» million cubic meters over the past years, and swept the river rebellious manner unprecedented more than «5» thousand houses on both banks of the river and destroyed completely, and more «6» thousand houses affected affected partly waves flood events, and swept the river more than «100» thousand acres of farmland along the river in the localities Dinder and East Sennar a farmer sector gardener, and fields of small farmers from crops corn, sesame, millet from traditional agriculture and mechanized farming, and threatened the river more than «77» village and imposed a blockade, and inaccessible except through river boats or boats or helicopter when it happened at the height of the flood, was to the people: «or a cow, or plopped, Aradeb, Albirdana, Alentifah, Ahadjirab Abu Hushaym stories and hakawi with flood confirmed authenticity Madenhm and patience on the trials and interview injured great thanks and praise. Villages and houses washed water Swept floodwaters Dinder more than «77» village locality Dinder and «3» villages locality east Sennar, and the number of families affected by «1618» family, and «67» family in eastern Sennar, and the number of houses that collapsed Baldndr «5067» houses and eastern Sennar «141» houses, and washed away more than «20» mosques and «8» Schools and «3» and health units, and confirmed citizen Adam Abdallah one affected flooding river Dinder for «press» they and the cooperation of organizations set up barricades dirt in front of their homes to protect them from floods , except that the amount of water tides washed away these barriers along with the houses and is now homeless, appealing to the federal state government to provide safe shelter for himself and his family, and benefit from the lessons of the flood good planning to secure locations, and to provide basic services and stability to the citizens. Destruction in the horticultural sector Cause flooding river Dinder in damage agricultural crops sector gardener private gardens bananas, influenced gardens mango, guava and lemon by the flood, and totaled cliffs horticultural Baldndr and East Sennar which damaged «25» thousand acres, and says a farmers sector gardener Baldndr named Abdullah Kanani's « Press »The ranch planted banana crop in an area of« 300 »acre draws quite a main source of income, and calls for his support and for banana Bashtol until they can enter the winter and catch loop production season after the water receded. In sector rain affected more than «35» thousand acres planted Bmahsolat corn, sesame, millet, as well as «35» thousand acres in mechanized farming rain, where appealed to a number of farmers interviewed by the newspaper the government should compensate them for damage to their damage and provide all subsidies to help them Winter establish a loop, with interest in agricultural methods and rehabilitation and maintenance. It appeals to farm Atallah Abdel Rahman authorities attention rainfed agricultural spaces away from the flood zone inaccessible, so agricultural operations Bmdaoma and protection of cattle thefts. In livestock deaths The estimated number of animals scattered along the banks of the river «1.5 million and more than« 70% of the animals affected by the flood, and statistics indicate committee shelter to the deaths of more than «3% of livestock. Al «press» that huge numbers of livestock have died in areas with mud and marshes, as well as a number of pets, as well as migration of wild animals and fleeing protected Dinder National to neighboring countries, where he says one angel livestock locality Dinder Saleh Ali he had lost large numbers goats, sheep and cows, as he finds it very difficult to find a space suitable for grazing and difficulty in movement in search of pasture due to water, suggesting he is still looking for a way to deport his cattle away from the water for fear of breeding insect vectors of animal diseases. Collapse «4» Bridges The inundation flooding river Dinder across land, do not see on the surface, but the water and in the Jtha sky reflected by the mirror natural Page river, and interrupted communication between citizens on both banks of the river so as to stretch the water in an area of more than «3» kilometers in most areas, and collapsed «4 »Baldndr bridges, and affected Doba Bridge east of Sennar, and the great difficulties in communication between residents of the two banks of the river, despite the availability of automated and traditional boats. Urgent needs And the proportion of exposure embankments, bridges and crossings to erosion by water, the harvest season and a special sesame exhibition loss to the difficulty of access to an area of more than a million acres rainfed, the urgent need today to rehabilitate «70» km Rdmyat in different locations and the construction of «4» Bridges cost financial estimated « 5 million pounds, and within the requirements Aajlh harboring affected and providing construction materials to build their homes in secure locations, along with the rehabilitation of the affected government facilities. In the agricultural field is needed in the provision of agricultural inputs for the sector gardener and preparations for the loop winter to compensate farmers what they have suffered losses in the loop summer, and that proper preparation for Erwa winter and work on providing seed sector gardener and brought seedlings of fruit, mango, lemon, guava, banana, along with seeds, vegetables and crops Agricultural millet, maize, sesame and other aids that help farmers in agricultural operations and agricultural. On the animal health side can provide assistance and the provision of veterinary drugs and aids livestock vaccination. Behind the flood reality environmentally healthy dire in all areas hit by the east, west and central Dinder and local East Sennar, so it seems important regularity in campaigns environmental sanitation provision pesticides and pumps spray, ambulances and clinics animation, and these affected areas need urgent needs is to shelter materials of foodstuffs such as flour, sugar, oil and onions, along with other residential needs of blankets, tarpaulins and tents and the establishment of service facilities. And cause flooding river Dinder in cutting roads in the east and west Dander, where it became difficult to reach affected areas flooded and now looks to the viewer through these scenes like islands abandoned or Ruins tells the story of ancient ruins, Vonsp transport to get to the citizens who excluded them The apartment is river transport, and the most prominent aids to communicate with the affected river boats, as well as the need to provide tractors and rehabilitation crossings and bridges, and provide a helicopter to follow up and deliver shelter materials to those affected on both banks of the river east and west of Dander, especially in the most remote southern areas in Umm cow and Abu Hushaym. Roles of the government Comte Sennar state government headed by Ahmed Abbas, a higher committee for flood mitigation Dinder River headed the state's health minister d. Sharaf al-Din Hajo Mahdy, where initiated this Committee and its subcommittees in inventory of the damage caused by flooding and provide possible assistance to those affected by that exceeded the capacity of the state in the shelter, said «press» Chairman of the Committee d. Sharaf al-Din Hajo that his committee has distributed «3350» Mobile corn for those affected and «3050» Mhima and «1000» blankets and «50» A Cicarh burlap and «150» tent, providing «5» for yachts large and «3» for yachts and small number mechanisms, and pointed out that it was receiving «2» thousand gallons of gasoline used in the movement mechanisms, and in the health services were distributed «10» thousands of mosquito nets and insecticides estimated «150 liters, along with the distribution of vaccines and drugs, spray pumps. And has shown that his committee received support estimated from the Sudanese Red Crescent branch of the state and the secretariat of the Zakat Chamber of supporting and harboring affected. The Minister of Physical Planning and Public Utilities Psonar Prime Engineering Committee to prevent flooding river Dinder engineer Imam Abdul Latif Imam's «press» was put immediate plans for the rehabilitation of roads and bridges to catch harvest sesame and other crops, and oversee the reserves dirt and mechanisms of river transport, along with mechanisms that work to protect the villages, and announced the roles undertaken by his ministry in coordination with the Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity to know the source and the source of flood preparedness in planning for the affected areas to provide safe areas with addressing the problem of roads and bridges, while adding Prime Agricultural Committee and Minister of Agriculture Dr.. Radwan Mohamed Ahmed said his ministry limited the damage in the agricultural side, and of its functions in the distribution of seeds and seedlings, and provide labor for harvesting, and preparing for the winter Erwa, vaccination and treatment of livestock. Press

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