Wednesday 21 March 2012

Sentenced to death by hanging for Abraham Almaz and «5» of employees of the Justice Sentenced to death by hanging for Abraham Almaz and «5» of employees of the Justice 03-21-2012 09:21 AM Amid tight security and chanting with the defendants, caused anti-terrorism court complex criminal Khartoum north of the death penalty by hanging until death on the six leaders of the Justice and Equality Movement, including the deputy head of the movement of the sector south Abraham Almaz, accused of undermining the system and provoke war against the State, as issued judgment to ten years imprisonment on the seventh defendant. The Court emphasized that its decision was based on information which confirmed that the defendants Ibrahim Almaz and password Gabriel Tie Advisor to the President of movement for political affairs and restricted Ezz Al-Arab Secretary of Administration and Management honestly Darfur, Abdullah Abdullah, Yahya APEC, as well as to Abraham net the light, went out in force to follow the Justice and Equality Movement is composed of «150» people on board the cars at full its equipment to areas of West Darfur, and they conducted interviews enlightening to attract citizens and forcibly recruited, along with banditry on the citizens.

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