Monday, 14 March 2011

War ....war

Khartoum warns of new explosion of violence in Abyei

Warned the ruling party in Sudan, on Sunday the risk of a serious escalation of violence in the province of Abyei between the north and south and the day after cutting the dialogue between the leaders of the southern rebels and Khartoum.

The chief negotiator for the National Congress Party in Abyei file Dardiri Mohamed Ahmed said he did not withdraw the southern army of thousands of soldiers, "irregulars" from Abyei before Monday, "we also predicted for many skirmishes."

But it is not likely to comply with the Popular Army for the Liberation of Sudan to the demands of the NCP.

On Saturday, former rebels who are presently in charge of management of semi-autonomous South Sudan for the suspension of dialogue with the authority of President Omar al-Bashir, accusing him of conspiring to topple the government before the independence of the south is expected in July.

Dardiri said the warning about the withdrawal of about 2500 troops dressed in police agreed upon between the north and the south in January expires Monday.

"We expected to get new clashes in Abyei in the case declined to the Popular Army for the Liberation of Sudan for the withdrawal of police (...). situation in Abyei may deteriorate and become very dangerous in the coming days."

He accused the Secretary General of the Popular Army for the Liberation of Sudan Pagan Amum Sunday the National Congress Party of arming Arab tribes to carry out genocide. "They want the implementation of the eradication of what they did to the African tribes in Darfur," in western Sudan, where there is civil war.

And resulted in battles between the army and the southern rebels killed about a hundred people since the beginning of March.

The province of Abyei, which is seen on the edge of the south and the north as an escalation of violence since the referendum on independence for southern Sudan, who scored an overwhelming majority in favor of secession. And was scheduled to hold another referendum it was decided that the Abyei they want to join the south or north, but has been delayed indefinitely.

Organization warned "Einav Brodjkt" anti-genocide Friday that armed groups supported by the northern and southern armies strengthen its presence in Abyei.

He said Bashir's adviser, Salah Gosh Sunday that cut dialogue with Khartoum, is a tactic adopted by the Southerners.

"I think they will come back. Do not have another option to reach a solution to the situation."

He considered that the southerners want to re-ignite violence in the hope that they will prevail in Abyei, as well as a number of files in the post-referendum-style sharing of oil.

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